Tagged: values

Diet Change and Demographic Characteristics of Vegans, Vegetarians, Semi-Vegetarians, and Omnivores

In the summer of 2013, Humane League Labs carried out a large-scale survey of vegans, vegetarians, semi-vegetarians, and omnivores to learn the demographic and diet change patterns of each group. With over 3,000 respondents, including over 1,500 vegans and vegetarians, the survey was the largest of its kind ever carried out. The goal of the survey was to enable vegan advocacy organizations to create more...

Communicating bigger-than-self problems to extrinsically-oriented audiences

This report presents an overview of the results of research conducted with a pool of volunteers from Cardiff, Wales, for whom extrinsic (or more materialistic) values were held to be particularly important by comparison to the UK population at large. This research focused on the effects of asking participants in the study to reflect for a few minutes on why...

Think of me as Evil?: Opening the ethical debates in advertising

This report argues that modern advertising’s impact on British culture is likely to be detrimental to our wellbeing, and may well exacerbate the social and environmental problems that we collectively confront. The balance of evidence points clearly in this direction. The standard defences of the advertising industry can be summarised in three assertions, which, taken together, reflect the main industry...

Limitations of Environmental Campaigning Based on Values for Money, Image, and Status

Since 2009, we have been suggesting that there is a potential danger in those aspects of the Value Modes approach which argue that campaigners should attempt to motivate pro-environmental behaviour by connecting such behaviours to aims like money, image, and status. We have carefully grounded the case that we have advanced in the peer-reviewed scientific literature on values. Because some...