Tagged: sustainability

Sustainable Consumption and Production Framing: A Research Summary

How do Canadians and Americans and specifically city sustainability directors view sustainable consumption and production? How do they frame and communicate SCP and what opportunities and barriers exist to talking with each other about this topic? This report attempts to summarize the state of Canadian and U.S. public opinion around sustainable production and consumption issues, as well as the opportunities...

Selling Sustainability: Primer for Marketers

Sustainable products, services and behaviors are the future. They are better for business, consumers and the planet, and increasingly consumers are asking for them. — ninety-three percent of global consumers want to see more of the brands they use support worthy social and/or environmental issues, and three out of four teenagers say they want to buy more sustainable products. So...

The Buzz on Buzzwords: Do Americans get the sustainability jargon you’re using – and does it make them want what you’re selling?

It’s 2015, and green is exponentially more mainstream these days. It’s a selling point for many major global brands. It’s plastered all over product packaging. It’s the star of Super Bowl ads aimed at the American heartland. And we all know (and may be a little weary of) the lingo that goes with environmental marketing: Green. Eco-friendly. Sustainable. To say...

The Hero’s Handbook: The How-To-Guide to Becoming a Hero Brand

What is a hero? A hero is someone who solves the problems that are too big for the rest of us. In the movies this means saving the world from being destroyed by the latest death ray, then finding out the girl you love is your twin sister. In real life it’s bigger than that. It means championing fairness, fighting...