Tagged: food

Food Values

What does food mean to people? Is it fuel for the engine, a fashion item, an export commodity, a sensual temptation, a vehicle for culture and celebration, a badge of religious and political identity, or a vital connection with the natural world? It can be all of these things and more, and the stories people tell about food will affect...

Diet Change and Demographic Characteristics of Vegans, Vegetarians, Semi-Vegetarians, and Omnivores

In the summer of 2013, Humane League Labs carried out a large-scale survey of vegans, vegetarians, semi-vegetarians, and omnivores to learn the demographic and diet change patterns of each group. With over 3,000 respondents, including over 1,500 vegans and vegetarians, the survey was the largest of its kind ever carried out. The goal of the survey was to enable vegan advocacy organizations to create more...

Which factory farming video is more effective?

In January of 2013, The Humane League ran a series of online advertisements to see which farm animal cruelty video was more effective at inspiring young women to want to change their diet: What Came Before or Farm To Fridge. A total of 83,000 viewers were tracked. A smaller-scale comparison, reaching 19,000 viewers, included two additional farm animal cruelty videos...