Tagged: language

Framing Nature Toolkit

Our wildlife matters…but so do our words. This guide will show that our choice of words is just as important as any other decision we make in conservation. The guide will explain what framing is and how we can use it to create a better world for wildlife. If we communicate with an understanding of framing we are more likely...

Communicating Decentralised Renewable Energy to Financiers and Senior Policymakers: A Guide for Campaigners and Non-Governmental Organisations

Effective communications requires reflecting and responding to different audiences, and tailoring messaging to the values of each audience. NGOs and financiers have different values and therefore use different narratives, often with entirely different vocabularies. Policymakers – especially those in government and multilateral development agencies – tend to sit between the two sectors, adopting some of the NGO concerns about social...

Communicating Climate Change in India

A large body of research shows that people need to understand climate change as a narrative, containing their own language and shaped by their own values and experience. Most climate change language however is dry, technical or too based in the campaign culture of the Global North. To date, there has been very little research into effective climate change communications...

Let’s Talk Faith & Climate: Communication Guidance for Faith Leaders

Let’s Talk Faith and Climate: Communication Guidance for Faith Leaders is designed to be useful to both experienced and novice climate change and faith communicators. This guide synthesizes the latest academic research and message testing on climate communications from across the social sciences into a practical guide to support meaningful discussions on climate change and faith among individuals and groups....