The Hero’s Handbook: The How-To-Guide to Becoming a Hero Brand

The Hero’s Handbook: The How-To-Guide to Becoming a Hero Brand

Category: Guides

Source: Republic of Everyone

Author(s): Republic of Everyone

Year: 2013


What is a hero? A hero is someone who solves the problems that are too big for the rest of us.

In the movies this means saving the world from being destroyed by the latest death ray, then finding out the girl you love is your twin sister.

In real life it’s bigger than that. It means championing fairness, fighting injustice and saving the world from being destroyed by climate change, forest destruction, poverty, famine and the like.

Whether real life or imagined, heroes have certain attributes that simply cannot be ignored.

They are uncompromising, fighting for their cause like it was a matter of life or death (which it sometimes is).

They are steely-jawed in the face of adversity, never backing down to even the biggest bully enemies.

They are easy to recognise, with a signature logo, outfit and, often, catchcry.

They are public in their actions, never hiding from doing what is right.

They do it for the cause but get a lot back in return, appearing on the front page of every paper in town (normally as it spins into frame) and enjoying the adulation of the masses.

In short, they do good and the world is good to them in return. Being a hero is a great place to be.

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