Communicating Environmental and Sustainability Science
Category: Reports
Source: Climate Outreach
Author(s): Adam Corner, Chris Shaw, Jamie Clarke
Year: 2018
This report summarises and synthesises key trends, themes and findings in the field of science communication, with a particular focus on evidence from environmental and sustainability sciences. The report pays equal attention to the study of communicating scientific evidence, and the socio-political context in which science communication research is funded and science communication practice takes place. It maps existing research and capacity (journals, institutions, programmes, key publications, think tanks), reviews existing literature (a high level synthesis drawing on existing summaries) and notes areas for future research.
As the evidence reviewed in this report shows, whilst the accumulated knowledge about communicating and engaging around environmental science topics is vast and well-developed, the field is far from settled, and considerable challenges remain in terms of public engagement on a range of scientific issues, in countries around the world.
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